Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Day of School!

Madilyn and Alyssa have started school. Their first day was August 3rd. Madie was so excited to start 2nd grade. Aly on the other hand was nervous to start Kindergarten. She was excited that morning....but when we got to the school she started to cry just a little. She told me that she wanted to go home and did not want me to leave her. I have to admit that it was a little scary. The place was packed with parents all taking their children to their classrooms. I took Aly to her classroom and we found her desk and met her new teacher, Mrs. Cole. I showed her some things around the room and she started to calm down a bit. I stayed for only a few minutes and then when I told her that I had to go she said OK. When I left the classroom I looked back and she was at her desk playing with a puzzle. I had to hold back my tears as I walked out. I just can't believe that Aly is old enough to start school. When I picked them up that day, they both said that they loved school!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

7 month old Belle!

Isabelle still continues to be the best baby ever! She finally learned how to sit up on her own and roll over. She has even started this week with eating food. Yeah! She loves bananas! She is content to sit on the floor and play with her toys and watch her big brother and sisters play! Of course they love to play with her too! Oh yeah, she also this week has gotten two teeth. She is just so sweet!

I just had to put these pictures on here from Aly's dance recital. She had a ballet dance and a tumbling routine. She was awesome! She had so much fun and loved getting her trophy which she shows off to anyone she can!

My Bradley Boy!

Bradley is 2 1/2 and he is so full of energy. He loves to laugh and smile. He is such a lovable little boy. He also likes to get into trouble and test me all the time. We are just starting to potty train. He is doing pretty well. I am lucky that he is motivated by stickers so that's pretty easy! I can't believe that he is not a little baby anymore....he actually looks like a little BOY! He definitely acts like one too!

Aly Sue!

My Aly Girl is 4 (almost 5) and she will be starting Kindergarten on Monday. I just can't believe it. It makes me want to cry to think about it. I don't know what I am going to do without her here at home with me. Aly has such an outgoing personality. Once she gets over her separation anxiety, she wants to be the star of the show! She loves to dance and I think that she is pretty great at moving and shaking! She loves to laugh and smile and is one of the cutest little girls ever! Aly has so much love to give. She tells us everyday that she loves us and she has to give Nate a hug and a kiss every morning before he leaves for work. She always gives Nate a hug and says, "I love you so much Daddy!" Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Aly!

My Madie Girl!

Look at Madilyn! My sister-in-law, Sara, took the cutest pictures of my kids at the Sand Dunes in Idaho Falls. Madie is just growing up so fast.Can you believe that she is only 7 (almost 8)! She is such a good kid. She helps me so much around the house. She especially helps me to take care of Isabelle. Hopefully she won't grow up to say that she raised her younger brothers and sisters because I don't ask her to...she just does it. I love her so much.

6 months!

Isabelle turned 6 months old when we were on our summer vacation in Idaho! As I did with Madilyn and Alyssa, we went and got her ears pierced! She only cried for a second and then she stuck her two fingers in her mouth and was fine! Gotta love those self-soothers!

Hello Again!

OK so I really want to get back to this blog. I know that it has been 4 months since my last posting, but I have decided that even if no one reads this....I really want to post for myself. I need to write things down about my kids before I forget them. So for those of you that do check this page, I will be posting much more often! I hope you enjoy!